The Sittingbourne School prioritises the holistic wellbeing of all our students. We are committed to ensuring that pupils requiring support for their mental wellbeing have access to appropriate support networks. This includes both direct support from school staff and the opportunity to seek out independent support services. We have compiled a support package containing links to a range of trusted and recommended external support providers.
What are we already doing to promote positive wellbeing in our school?
- Appointing a Designated Senior Mental Health Lead
- Delivering and reviewing our curriculum to ensure mental health and wellbeing is evident in numerous subjects
- By expanding our Year Team with additional pastoral managers (there are now 2 pastoral support managers per year team).
- Providing wellbeing training to all staff & further opportunity throughout the year to develop their knowledge & understanding in this area
- Providing and supporting our Wellbeing Team to continue to develop their skills and knowledge via training courses throughout the year.
- By implementing a simple & effective referral system. Any member of staff who has concerns regarding a student's wellbeing can make a referral on Bromcom.
- Training students in becoming peer mentors. These students then mentor some of our KS3 students using active listening & restorative approaches to resolve low level conflicts & restore confidence & self-esteem.
- Providing a safe space (The Wellbeing Room) with dedicated members of staff who are equipped to support students where needed.
- 1-1 and small group workshops, run over a 6-8 week period, on different mental health issues, led by our Wellbeing Team.
- By having regular student leadership meetings -to encourage student voice and raise awareness of any concerns regarding students wellbeing.
- Parent support workshops offered on a termly basis by a member of our Wellbeing team.
- Offering students a range of strategies to improve their resilience while in lessons.
- Raising awareness of mental health & emotional wellbeing by participating in annual charity events such as World Mental Health Day, Anti Bullying Week plus many more.
- Implementing a Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
- Employing a counsellor who supports students on a 1:1 basis
If you would like support from the Wellbeing team, please email TSS-WellbeingTeam@swale.at
The following resources may be beneficial in supporting your child's wellbeing.