Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition

Early on Tuesday 15th August our Duke of Edinburgh Gold students set out on an expedition to the Lake District.
The first day was incredibly long... after a seven hour drive, they had to negotiate a six hour walk with a constant incline! They eventually made it to the campsite where, after dinner, they retired to their tents.
Day two was spent walking around lake Coniston, which gave excellent sightseeing across the water and mountainous view.
A change of scenery on day three came in the form of a walk through forest, navigating became challenging and the group pulled together to work well and find the next campsite.
On their final day our students used their map reading skills to arrive at Rydal Caves, where they were able to climb a ghyll, explore the cave and made traditional cairns to show others the way.
We are incredibly proud of their behaviour and determination. They are superb role models and have proved their skills both inside and outside of the classroom.
A very big thank you to Mrs Dootson for organising the event. If you would be interested in taking part in future DofE expeditions, please see Mrs Dootson in G Block.