News and Events

A Level/BTEC Results

The Sittingbourne School Sixth Form students are celebrating today after receiving their A level and BTEC results. Across a wide range of subjects, students have achieved highly, with over a third of all grades achieved being A/A* or Distinction/Distinction*.

Being the first set of students to sit exams for three years was never going to be easy, which is why we couldn’t be prouder of our students today. Their resilience, hard work and determination have paid off with these excellent results. Every student now has invaluable qualifications  that allow them to proceed on to the next steps of their life. In particular, we are very pleased that nearly every student who applied to university got the necessary grades to join their first choice university and course.  None of this would have been possible without the hard work and support of all the TSS teachers and support staff who have gone above and beyond to make sure no student missed out. I would also like to thank all of our students' parents and carers too for their support.

Nick Smith (Headteacher)

Gemma Crutchley achieved a grade A  in Criminology, a Dist* in Dance and Dist* in Business. Gemma said, “I am really, really happy.”




Luke Stevens achieved grades A* and A in his double Business course and a grade B in Finance. Luke is going to UFCB in Wembley to study Football Business and Marketing. He said, “Put in the hard work and you'll get what you want.”



Paulina Jakobczak achieved a Triple A* in Health and Social care and is going to Canterbury Christ Church University to study Mental Health Nursing, where she has gained the Diamond Jubilee Academic Excellence Scholarship of £2000 for her outstanding results. She said,

“I want to thank the teachers who were a great help and support throughout my studies.”


Rhiannon Tomlinson also achieved a Triple A* in Health and Social care and is going to Canterbury Christ Church University to study Primary Education. She too has also gained the Diamond Jubilee Academic Excellence Scholarship of £2000 for her outstanding results. She said,

“Thank you to all my teachers who motivated me to reach my full potential.”


Amy Slucock achieved grades A* and A in her double Business course and a grade A in A level Art. She said, “The school was very helpful, all of my teachers went above and beyond to help me, no matter what.”