Dept. for Deaf Students

Students in this specialist resourced provision have an Education, Health and Care Plan naming their primary need as a bilateral, severe to profound hearing loss.

Specialist staff from the department ensure that children are fully included in all aspects of school life. The SRP provides a secure, safe and effective learning environment in a large secondary school that places emphasis on literacy with success and achievement for all.  Students are supported and encouraged to develop their independence, self- confidence and deaf identity.

Student’s needs are addressed on an individual basis and appropriate provision is put in place.  Academic needs are supported fully within mainstream lessons by Specialist Teaching Assistants all of whom have relevant experience and hold or are working towards Level 2 or 3 British Sign Language. Teaching  staff all have deaf awareness training and guidance on how to teach and meet the needs of deaf young people.

We work closely with outside agencies such as Social Services, Deaf CAMHS, Educational Psychologists, NDCS, Speech and Language Therapy, The Specialist Teacher Service, audiology departments and cochlear implant teams.  All staff within the SRP have ongoing continue professional development ensuring that knowledge is up-to-date and that students receive the best support available at all times.


Approach to Communication

A flexible, child-centred approach to communication is used. This includes British Sign Language, Sign Supported English, mime/gesture, and communicate in print.  Students are guided to reach their potential by maximising their use of residual hearing.  Audiological equipment, including Assistive Listening Devices are checked daily and used to enhance student’s access to the sounds of speech.



Our overall aim is that deaf students fulfil their potential and make progress in line with their peers.  We also recognise the importance of developing the whole child and include a focus on language, communication, social and emotional wellbeing.


This is achieved through;

  • Inclusion in all aspects of School life.
  • Specialist Teaching Assistant support in mainstream lessons.
  • A range of literacy intervention programmes tailored to meet individual student needs.
  • Specific learning interventions.
  • Healthy minds programme.
  • Pastoral support.
  • Monitoring and support of audiological equipment.
  • Modification of language and development of literacy and key skills.


Admissions Procedure

Students can be considered for a place in the Department if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan which states that a bilateral, severe to profound hearing loss is their primary need.  Applications for places must be made through the Local Authority, where it is clear that the student’s specific needs can be met by both the Department and the School.


Contact Details

Head of Department - Mrs J Daynes

Telephone 01795 472449


Useful links